Welcome to Blockchainisme.com. Congratulation, you just find a page where you can get FREE Banano. “Wait, what is Banano? Banano is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy. For more information about Banano Cryptocurrency, you can visit Banano.cc.
As a part of our contribution to the community, we will give you Banano for FREE here. We uploaded a scannable screenshot of Banano paperwallets that contains some Bananos. You just need to find out where it uploaded. You will be provided with hints and instruction on how to find the link.
Check on the hints above. Your answer will be the hint to find a link that contain a scannable screenshot of a Banano paperwallet. For example, your answer is “I love Banano”, so the link will be bit.ly/ilovebanano. No space and lowercase only.
How can I know if someone before me already got thIs Banano paperwallet?
You can click on the CREEPER button first to make sure that the Banano paperwallet is still available. “Unopened Account” indicate that the Banano paperwallet is still available to be claimed. Since it still unopened, you might see 0 BAN on that wallet. You should see the amount of BAN pending. It is the amount of Banano that you can claim from the paperwallet.
*Tutorial on how to redeem Banano paperwallet, please visit Banano.cc/redeem.
Feel free to contribute to this game by sending some Bananos to the paperwallet address above. Your BAN contribution will be added to the selected paperwallet. For desktop user, you can click CREEPER button to see the wallet address of selected paperwallet. For mobile user, you can send your contribution by clicking the CONTRIBUTE button, it will open your Kalium App.
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hi [at] blockchainisme.com
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